Saturday, November 30, 2019

Reilyism Speech Essays - Religion And Abortion, Abortion, LIFE

Reilyism Speech Sign up now for a free trial. Date Smarter! Reilyism Speech The founding of entire nation was forged on the principle that all men are created equal under the law. This is the essence of our Declaration of Independance and the philosophy behind the Constition. We, through history, have made certain that ALL people in this country have equality before the law. We have set uup the premise that all people are equal before the law. Lady Justice is blind to Race, Religion, _________ . We have declared that there is no such thing as sub-humans-and that NO human being's rights are superior to another human being. If we want to live by the premises that we set up in this country, then we cannot overlook ANY human being-NO ONE can be excluded. There are, however, a human beings that is ignored the protection to thier rights to life everyday. The aborted children. I dare the negative to PROVE that a child in her mother's wound is alive! Does the negative actually believe that a human being is alive when and only when a human being has fully developed? If this is true, then most of here are not alive. The human specie is only fully grown at adulthood, many of us here are not adults yet-and by that definition, it wouldn't matter if your shot and killed on the street because"your not fully developed". We are a stage in development-teenager-just like a child is, just like a toddler is, just like an old man is, and just like a aborted child is. There is no magical transformation that occurs when a child is born. He has the same basic needs to survive before he is born, and the same needs after he is born. The negative is going to attempt to make you believe that the differnce in quality of a unborn child is so great that these children do not resemble what we call alive. They want you to believe that a unborn child cannot feel pain. Can an unborn child feel pain? If it can, then does that not resemble life? If they do successfully make you accept this premise, then it becomes easy to abort a child. If you accept that an unborn child is not a eating, breathing, moving, human inside of a woman then thier life can have no value. But the answer is yes, a unborn child does feel pain. Now, I know it is hard for many of us to accept that we have been doing things wrong on such a basic level in this country, I know it's hard for many people to look back on beliefs that they have thought many times, but we must realize that unborn childeren ARE alive! Our country went through and the world went through a long persiod of time where Whites believed that Blacks were actually sub-human! If someone accepted that a Black person was a sub- human, then it became easy to continue slavery, and it became easy to abuse or ignore thier rights to life. We have disproved this premise in modern time, not ignoring the facts. In Hitler's Holocost, German soliders forced themselves to truly believe that the Jews were lower beings. We cannot ignore the facts, we cannot imitate these Nazi's and operate on the premise that there are lower human beings. We cannot hide it! Killing a living human being is murder-and murder is against the the law. I dare the negative to say that a Unborn Child is not a human being! I dare the negative to say that a unborn child is not alive! and I dare the negative to say that he would not mind being an aborted child! Last night, while writing this speech, I was shocked to hear for the first time, my mother tell me that before I was born, she had two abortions. It made me realize how close I am, how close I became to never have existing. It made me see that I could have had two little brothers or sisters that I would have loved. I dare all of you to really ask yourselves-would want to have been a aborted child. Would you would have wanted you life to be cut, before you could even be born into this world? When I was inside my mother, No one could ask me if I valued my life. I wouldn't have a right to live. If you were aborted you would NOT have a chance to ask for your life. If abortion

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Mistake That Taught You an Important Lesson Essay Example

A Mistake That Taught You an Important Lesson Essay Example A Mistake That Taught You an Important Lesson Essay A Mistake That Taught You an Important Lesson Essay Chapter 1: Basic concepts and terms This chapter answers the following questions: What is a dictionary? What are the different types of dictionaries? How can we describe a dictionary? What are the elements of a dictionary? What are the different kinds of information dictionaries provide? What is a dictionary? This is the first question one encounters when learning about dictionary skills or reading any book on lexicography (the art of compiling dictionaries). Defining the term dictionary is important to distinguish it from other reference books, which may look similar, like encyclopedias. Etymologically, the word dictionary comes from the Middle Latin word dictionarium, which means collection of words and phrases. This definition relates to the basic function of dictionaries which is listing the words of a language or a particular field of knowledge. This simple fact is the basis of all the definitions proposed for a dictionary. A dictionary is a book used as a reference source which contains lists of words arranged alphabetically or thematically, with explanations of their meanings (semantic information in monolingual dictionaries) or with their equivalents (in bi-, tri-, or multilingual dictionaries). They may also include more information related to orthography (spelling, alternate spellings), morphology (syllabification, word inflections, derivative forms, morphological paradigm), phonology (pronunciation, stress pattern), etymology (word history and origin), syntax (part of speech, verb type, noun type, etc), pragmatics (usage, frequency of use, style, context), and other semantic information (related words such as synonyms, antonyms). A dictionary may variously be referred to as: word book, lexicon, thesaurus, vocabulary, glossary, and concordance. However, each one of these is slightly different in scope. For example, a thesaurus (also from Latin, and which means a treasury or a storehouse) presents synonyms and antonyms; a glossary usually gives a list of terms confined to a particular domain of knowledge with definitions. What distinguishes a dictionary from these different types is that none of them provides all the different kinds of linguistic information a dictionary provides. Use thesaurus in a Sentence See images of thesaurus Search thesaurus on the Web Types of dictionaries: Dictionaries vary in coverage, size, and scope. They can be classified on the basis of different criteria. Knowing the types of dictionaries available is very important to decide which ones to buy or use. The following criteria are used to classify dictionaries: 1) Number of languages: Monolingual dictionaries are written in one language only. Each word is followed by its meaning or various meanings and probably other information related to pronunciation, grammar, or word history. Bilingual dictionaries are written in two languages. Each word is followed by its equivalent or possible equivalents in another language. Bilingual dictionaries could be uni- or mono-directional; that is, they go in one direction only, from English to Arabic or vise versa. They could also be bidirectional; that is, the dictionary is divided into two parts; the first part is from Language 1 to Language 2, and the second one is from Language 2 to Language 1. Trilingual dictionaries are written in three languages. Multilingual language are written in more than two languages. 2) Age of the users: School dictionaries are intended for school students and they are graded according to childrens age: elementary, middle, and high school students. They are simplified versions of adult references. They may also be referred to as childrens dictionaries if they are intended for very young children. Adult dictionaries, on the other hand, are intended for adults and these are the ones that translators use and they include a variety of dictionary types such as college dictionaries, current language dictionaries, and unabridged dictionaries. 3) Size of the dictionary: This has to do with how fully a dictionary covers the lexicon of a particular language. The number of words is a measure of its relative size compared with other dictionaries in the same language. According to this criteria, dictionaries can be classified into the following. a) Unabridged dictionaries which are believed to include all the words of the English language (400,000 to 600,000 words). They give full coverage to the lexicon in general use and to specialized lexicon, with examples and all other information any dictionary could give. In other words, they provide complete and authoritative linguistic information. They are impractical for desk use because of their size and expense, but they are available in libraries and are important reference sources. Examples: Websters Third New International Dictionary (NID3), and Oxford English dictionary (OED) which has 20 volumes. Semis: The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, The Random House College Dictionary, Websters New World Dictionary of American English. They are called college dictionaries because they are often used by college students. c) Desk dictionaries include from 60,000 to 100,000 words. Examples: The American heritage dictionary, Merriam-Websters Collegiate Dictionary. They are called desk dictionaries because they are often kept on desks for frequent reference. College and desk dictionaries are often abridged versions of larger dictionaries. Some publishing houses use the term college to refer to both college dictionaries and desk dictionaries. Some other houses use the term concise to refer to desk dictionaries; e. g. Concise Oxford Dictionary, Longman Concise English Dictionary. d) Pocket size dictionaries, which include from 40,000 to 60,000 words; e. g. Pocket Oxford Dictionary. 4) Scope of coverage by subject: Subject-field dictionaries are confined to a special subject, such as law or medicine. Special-purpose dictionaries are limited to one aspect of language: collocations, slang, pronunciation, etymology, synonyms, usage, offensive and taboo words, spelling, dialect, neologisms, etc. A functional classification of dictionaries: For the purpose of the present course, which ultimately aims at training students to use dictionaries as professional translators, we will adopt the following classification that is based on the functions of dictionaries. Dictionaries are divided into two types: traditional and electronic dictionaries. I. Traditional (or regular) dictionaries: Traditional dictionaries are printed dictionaries (paper /print dictionaries). They are divided into four main categories: linguistic, visual, picture, and encyclopedic dictionaries. 1) Linguistic dictionaries are dictionaries that are concerned with words and provide linguistic information and may contain some pictures or illustrations. They are further divided into four types: general, learner, children, and specialized dictionaries. a) General-purpose dictionaries deal with the common words of a language and are compiled by language experts. They may be mono- or bilingual. They may be explanatory and help readers to understand a word meaning, its pronunciation, spelling, usage, etc. They may be translation dictionaries providing word equivalents. Explanatory and translation dictionaries may be unabridged, college, desk, concise, or pocket dictionaries. General-purpose dictionaries could also be production dictionaries (alternatively called activators) which are very useful in writing; they guide you as to which words or expressions to use to express similar or different ideas. They focus on use or meaning in context and on oral usage, rather than explaining their meanings. The first production dictionary is: Longman Language Activator: The Worlds First Production Dictionary (1993), Longman Essential Activator (intermediate level). The lexical information is organized around approximately 1000 key terms that serve as focal points for crucial sets of concepts. b) Learners dictionaries are aimed at students learning a language. Examples: Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, Collins Cobuild English Dictionary, Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners. c) Children dictionaries are very simplified versions specifically written for children. ) Specialized dictionaries are divided into two types: subject field dictionaries and special purpose dictionaries. Subject field dictionaries are limited to the vocabulary of specific scholarly areas or fields of knowledge such as medicine, law, religion, business and commerce, literature, military affairs and politics, etc. The rapid growth and development, and specifications in all the fields of knowledge has resulted in generating of new words or specialized terms for which the general dictionaries do not provide adequate information. Therefore, it became necessary to compile subject dictionaries which are devoted completely to specific subject fields. As a result many subject dictionaries and glossaries in Humanities, Social Sciences and Science ; Technology are coming out day-by-day. They are compiled by the experts in the different subject fields. Special purpose dictionaries deal with different aspects of language such as collocations, slang, idioms, phrasal verbs, neologisms, abbreviations, language varieties and dialects, synonyms and antonyms, pronunciation, etymology, usage, grammar, word frequencies, etc. ) Visual dictionaries tend to be complete dictionaries and rely on illustrations and photos or pictures; e. g. Merriam-Websters Visual Dictionary Online. 3) Picture dictionaries are often organized by topic instead of being an alphabetic list of words. They include only a small corpus of words because they are often intended for children. They may be mono-, bi-, or multilingual. 4) Encyclopedic dictionar ies has encyclopedic features; their concern is not the words of a language but rather with facts about things, objects, or people; e. . The Hutchinson Concise Encyclopedic Dictionary. II. Electronic dictionaries: An electronic dictionary is an electronic reference resource that contains a library of words and their meanings, spellings, and etymologies. They can be 1) portable (or handheld), battery-operated devices; 2) dictionary programs (on CDs) , or software running on PDAs or computers and which allow words or phrases to be input and translated; or 3) web based dictionaries accessible via the internet. Electronic dictionaries are more convenient than paper dictionaries and much faster to search. Examples of some online dictionaries: AskOxford Compact Oxford English Dictionary of Current English, Cambridge Dictionaries Online Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary, Dictionary. com Dictionary. com Unabridged v. 1. 1 and American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Ed, Longman Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Merriam-Webster OnLine Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, Oxford University Press Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary Dictionaries Traditional Dictionaries Electronic Dictionaries Portable devices CDs Online dictionaries Linguistic Visual Picture Encyclopedic General Learners Children Specialized Explanatory Production (Activators) Mono, college, desk, concise, pocket Explanatory Production Translation Explanatory Translation (monolingual) (bilingual) unabridged college or pocket college or desk Terminology (religious, literary, political, scientific, medical, etc) (mono and bi) concise Collocation, slang, idioms, phrasal verbs, common errors, neologisms, abbreviations (mono) pocket Synonyms, antonyms, thesaurus, production dic or activators (mono) Pronunciation, etymologies, usage, grammar, word frequencies, (mono) College, concise, pocket monolingual college or pocket Exercise: Find the following words in your dictionary, if you cant find them think of a reason to explain that: car cumdump goo gonzo coasthenia (psy) to smell to high heaven abarticulation (med) howitzer gun (mil) schlub action agent (mil) What type should you buy or use? Dictionaries are used by native speakers, language learners, or translators. Native speakers use dictionaries to help them in writing or in understanding unfamiliar words or phrases. For this purpose they use adult (unabridged or college) monolingual dictionaries. Language learners need learners monolingual dictionaries, whether elementary, intermediate, or advanced dictionaries depending on their level of language proficiency. Translators, on the other hand, need both mono- and bilingual dictionaries. They are advised to choose the most recent editions of college or unabridged dictionaries, as the other types of dictionaries are limited in their vocabulary coverage. They are also advised to have different types of specialized dictionaries of: idioms, collocations, phrasal verbs, usage, specialized terminology (religious, legal, political, medical, literary, military, psychological, scientific, etc). Elements of dictionaries: The elements of any dictionary can be discussed in terms of two levels: the macrostructure and microstructure. The macrostructure is concerned with dictionary features such as the front matter, the end or back matter, entry organization. The microstructure is limited to the structure of entries and the kinds of information they provide. We will discuss these two levels in detail in the following chapter on general monolingual dictionaries.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Ancient Mayan Civilization

The ancient Mayan civilization of the ancient Mayan civilization was built on a strict social structure based on religious beliefs. They use caste social structure where differences are based on wealth, inheritance level, privilege, occupation or occupation. Their beliefs are based on the fact that elements of nature have the power to help and hurt. Ancient Mayas used their social structure and beliefs to shape their daily lives. Maya is a very devout person. They believe in many gods. Maya's ancient Mayan civilization settled in Yucatan Peninsula around 900 AD. This civilization was one of the most advanced civilization of those days. They created their own religion, language, mathematical structure, highly accurate calendar and many other things. Maya's lifestyle is their religion. They have polytheism praising many gods. Every God has something to worry about whether they rule. Chac is the god of rain, Kinich Ahau is droughty. Sweat covered his whole body and made him shine under the noon sun like the god of glory which comes down from the sky. But he is not a god. He participated in the architectural project of the famous Mayan town of Copan with an unintentional slave. Maya rose in the year 250 AD and had a huge civilization that fell around the year 900 AD. They live in an area called Central America consisting of South America, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras. As a country, Maya is known for their numerous achievements. The ancient Mayan civilization contains about two-thirds of the Central American civilization. This area is also known mainly from volcanic mountains to porous limestones, as a lowland in the central area. Maya civilization extends from the northern Belize and the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico to Honduras in the south. It is their complex society far beyond the current construction and modernization in the tropical rainforest climate that makes the Maya the most prominent (Aissen, 1992). General

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Tort Law Ph.D. Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tort Law Ph.D. - Case Study Example Prior to the regulations on electronic music equipment, which were introduced in 1990's the present music equipment was very sensitive to electro-magnetic interference. After 1990's it has to comply with specific standards that make it more immune to this sort of interference, that the problem experienced by Mr Morris would not be encountered with guitars produced according to these regulations. The interference is due to the sensitiveness of the recording equipment the foreseeing of nuisance by the Railways does not arise. It would arise if the interference were caused because of the sensitivity of the TI 21. "Railtrack could not reasonably have foreseen that these track circuits could have caused problems of electromagnetic interference at a distance of 60 to 70 meters." The court believed that playing the guitar with sensitive electric and electronic music instrument such as an amplifier is not an abnormal but an ordinary enjoyment of property, it is feature of modern life and it is material for many younger generation's pleasure and also a vital part of the modern music generation. The trial court believed the fact that electromagnetic interference was caused not only to the complaint alone but it caused to other users of such instrument also well before the track circuit was installed within that vicinity. And therefore concluded the second issue that nuisance of electromagnetic interference to the complainant was foreseeable. (Graham Sinclair (2005), Neighbors and the Law (Chapter 5.10) Findings of the Court of Appeal The court of appeal recognized the issue as a sensitive and since there is no settled law adjudicating the electromagnetic interference as nuisance. Therefore the court has elaborately discussed the issues taking the settled law nearest to issues in this case. The court has made the following findings: The court of appeal felt that only interference to the comforts of standard average man is actionable. Interference to abnormal and sensitive enjoyments of his property does not come within the ambit of the actionable nuisance. In this regard the court also felt that no

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Are Black Afro Caribbean boys underachieving within the Education Dissertation

Are Black Afro Caribbean boys underachieving within the Education system that are born in the UK - Dissertation Example Out of all the communities, debate about children of Caribbean heritage has been most controversial. There is no denial of the fact that Caribbean children are under achieving in UK. In 2004, according to National Statistics, the lowest levels of GCSE attainment were among black Caribbean pupils, particularly boys. Only 27% of black Caribbean boys and 44% of black Caribbean girls were said to have achieved five or more A*-C grade GCSEs. (BBC News 2009). The statistical release issued by Department for Children, Schools and Families at National statistics UK has reported that in 2008/9 44.3 percent of Black African pupils achieved a good level of development. This is 7.3 percentage points below the national average; this difference in achievement shows a reduction from 2008 when it was 10.7 percentage points. In 2009 27.3 percent of Black African pupils were classified as being in the lowest achieving 20 percent of pupils, this is a reduction from 2007 when 30.2 percent of Black Afric an pupils were classified as being in this group. 43.0 percent of Black Caribbean pupils achieved a good level of development. This is 8.6 percentage points below the national average; this difference in achievement has reduced from 2008 when it was 9.4 percentage points. ... It became evident that children were treated with discrimination, being called dull, slow learners, UN responsive, troublesome, dull, low achievers, backwards and UN intelligent. Observing all this, black parents moved to draw public attention and demanded government to take concrete actions. Since 1960 government took many actions and policy initiatives however to this day, concerns remain in air about educational performance of these children and their treatment. The low achievement of Caribbean children is in great contrast to high achievements by children of other minority ethnic groups in UK. There are many theories available to explain this problem. These theories include low IQ, genetics, poor self esteem, racism against society and schools, race politics in UK, poor quality of schools and poor home environments of children. It is an important observation that educationalists and government view this problem with different perspectives. This paper is an endeavour to understand why black British children of African Caribbean origin achieve less in academics and are subject of increased expulsion from schools. In the UK, in the 1960s and ‘70s, Black children were routinely labelled â€Å"educationally sub-normal† (ESN) and confined to ESN schools, also known as sin-bins. The parents often did not challenge the verdict of the teachers and the schools, but just accepted the situation. One reason for underachievement of students has been indifference of parents towards the situation. Educationalist Dr Tony Sewell from UK has researched and stated as late as September 2010 that institutional racism in education has no part to play in the educational failure of African

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Christian conceptions Essay Example for Free

Christian conceptions Essay Baldassare Castiglione’s work â€Å"The Courtier† has similar conceptions of grace and love when compared to with Christian conceptions. Baldassare Castiliogne characterizes the courtiers of Urbino as omini per virtu singulari (IV, 2, 446: men singular in worth[286]), emphasizing their grace and virtue they were able to exhibit throughout the entire passage. This also reflects the ways they were able to entice the imagination of the readers and make their (readers) minds more creative. Castiglione writes about the Urbino court and its inhabitants as a kind of ideal place where grace and virtue was heavily practiced. Most of the courtiers and ladies in the court possess only minor character flaws and petty foibles. In his writing, he idealizes them as civilized and perfectly restrained individuals who are devoid of serious personal vices and defects. In a sense, Castiglione wants to present them as ideal types, as the onorati esempi di virtu (IV, 2, 448: honored models of worthiness[287]) as can be read from his prologues where moral fortitude, scholarship and genuine love should emulate and be exuded by the readers even after reading the entire piece. The following excerpt from â€Å"The Courtier† shows that Lord Guidobaldo has lived an exemplary life worth of emulation by the other inhabitants. â€Å"When lord Guidobaldo di Montefeltro, duke of Urbino, passed from this life, I together with several other knights who had served him remained in the service of duke Francesco Maria della Rovere, heir and successor to Guidobaldos state; and as in my mind there remained fresh the odor of duke Guidos virtues and the satisfaction which I in those years had felt from the loving company of such excellent persons, as then frequented the court of Urbino†. (Letter, 1, 67-8) Castigliones goal in his work was to set his statements of praise for Urbino and its inhabitants in general and conventional terms. He did not cite the military exploits or civic triumphs of a character he praises, instead, he celebrates all of them for their virtu, (virtue) their ingegno, (ingenuity) their ottime qualit (high dignity). Instead, Castiliogne characterizes these exploits as a collective victory for the person he is giving life to. This also gives life to the colorful sceneries and animations to the story as this draws the attention of the readers. Castiliogne pursues the elevation of Urbinos image to an exemplary moral excellence and its value for posterity. In his first two prologues, Castiglione highlights the superiority of Urbinos inhabitants. In the prologue to Book III, Castiglione states that if Urbinos pastimes convince him of its excellence, he should be able to imagine easily how much greater the courtiers virtuous actions were (III, 1, 336). In the last prologue, Castiglione praises the courtiers directly as omini per virtu singulari (IV, 2, 446: men singular in worth[286]). He viewed the court as a paragon of moral exempla (IV, 2, 448: chiari ed onorati esempi di virtu). The court is presented as an ethical model not only to other existing courts at that time but also to the succeeding generations to come. Moreover, Castiglione confesses in the third prologue that he wrote his text carefully to faria vivere negli animi dei posteri (III, 1, 336: make it live in the mind of posterity[202]). Finally, as his culture upholds classical antiquity, he projects that the young and upcoming generation will envy his time because of the exemplary Urbino court. (III, 1, 336: forse per lavvenire non manchera chi per questo ancor porti invidia al secol nostro). Similarly, the virtues of grace and love which are present in Castiliogne’s work are also present in Christian morals and manners. Christian morals are a function of moral discernment and moral reasoning. For instance, James Gustafson stated that moral discernment refer to basic dispositions that are shaped in part by the faith and trust Christians have as they offer themselves up to God. Moreover, James Gustafson stated that the concept of moral discernment was related to moral reasoning. Gustafson explained that moral reasoning pertains to a character, or personal moral ability, which covers dispositions, traits, and actions of the moral agent. (Selnick, 1992). Castiliogne stated that the courtier is expected to serve and increase in favour with her Lady. He should instruct her in virtue and refrain from vice and dishonesty. He should speak truth all the time. This concern is evident in Christian morals and manners. According to Harring, the moral and religious value of our acts attains the peak level only when the fundamental option results in the conquest one’s energies and vision such that one’s motives and decisions come from the depth in which the Spirit moulds and guides. (Harring, 1978). Castiliogne exhorts the courtiers to be kind to their subordinates, to avoid flattery, to be wise in the relations with other states and to have good manners in speech and language. Moreover, the courtier must have â€Å"good utterance† and â€Å"sweet language† to the other personalities in the court and avoid offending other people. This exhortation finds a strong support in Christianity’s theological and ethical attention which has shifted away from the relations with the divine towards human relations to interpersonal human relations. (Post, 1990). This shift resulted in the sharp distinction between public activity and private relations. First, it highlighted the fact that the selfs relation with God does not necessarily impact on one’s neighbor. Second, it states that the divine intentions may not relate directly to an individual’s human flourishing. This re-evaluation of one’s faith highlights the moral dimensions of Christianity and renders faith as an essential and crucial aspect of living well. (Weaver, 2002) The old men then attack the change in customs in Urbino court which they perceive as reflective of moral decay. In response to this, Castiliogne countered that he is a judge who can state that there is no age, past or present that is either totally good or totally evil. Then in this excerpt, Castiliogne argued that it is the old men who have changed their behavior and not the courts. These old men lament their loss of youth, power, and vitality. This situation leads to nostalgia which distorts the truth about both past and present. This excerpt is as follows: ne dei passati piaceri riserva (lanimo) altro che una tenace memoria e la imagine di quel caro tempo della tenera eta, nella quale quando ci ritrovamo, ci pare che sempre il cielo e la terra ed ogni cosa faccia festa e rida intorno agli occhi nostri, e nel pensiero come in un delizioso e vago giardino fiorisca la dolce primavera dallegrezza. (The Courtier II, 1, 188) . . . and [the mind] retains of past pleasures merely a lingering memory and the image of that precious time of tender youth in which (while we are enjoying it), wherever we look, heaven and earth and everything appear merry and smiling, and the sweet springtime of happiness seems to flower in our thoughts as in a delightful and lovely garden. (The Courtier II, 1, 188) Similarly, Christian morality has shown interest in one’s personal ethical development. The flourishing of the self encompassing virtue ethics and spirituality reveals a post modern reassessment of the classical concepts and tools for reflecting on the selfs good. (Naussbam, 1994). Baldassare Castiliogne characterizes the courtiers of Urbino as omini per virtu singulari (IV, 2, 446: men singular in worth[286]), emphasizing their grace and virtue. Similarly, Christian morals and manners show the importance of all the human virtues required of the courtiers during the time of the Urbino court. The courtiers’ excellent speech, manners and deportment to their equals and subordinates exhibit a vivid example of their faith and their excellent human manners. Alongside the traditions and practices that the courtiers’ have shown, the author have clearly emphasized on the human manners that there should be equality among all others and in order to achieve a specific and unified goal, there should be subordination so that in the long run, there will be authority to be followed and rules are set on such manners. Works Cited: Castiglione, Baldassare. The Book of the Courtier. New york: Scribners Son, 1901. 7-439. James M. Gustafson, Moral Discernment in the Christian Life, in Gene H. Outka and Paul Ramsey, Norm and Context in Christian Ethics. New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1968, p. 31. Haring, Bernard. Free and Faithful in Christ. New York: Seabury Press: A Crossroads Book, 1978, p. 85. Kolsky, Stephen D. Old Men in a New World: Morello da Ortona in the Cortegiano. Italica 75 (1998): 336-448. Long, Edward Leroy. A Survey of Recent Christian Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982. Martha Nussbaum. The Therapy of Desire: Theory and Practice in Hellenistic Ethics. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1994. Post, Stephen. A Theory of Agape: On the Meaning of Christian Love. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 1990. Selnick, Philip. The Moral Commonwealth: Social Theory and the Promise of Community. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992, p. 361. Weaver, Darlene. Self Love and Christian Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Webhorn, Wayne. Courtly Performances Masking and Festivity in Castigliones Book in the Courtier. University of Texas at Austin, 1978.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

1. NAME OF THE SYSTEM E-Cab is a service of mobile Taxi application via online. 2. SUMMARY OF THE SYSTEM TO BE DEVELOPED E-Cab is a JoBa company, provide a complete taxi services using the latest equipment and technology to facilitate the travel of individuals in and around the Johor Bahru area. The value proposition is straight-forward for confirm your pickup point and order your cab with the press of a button. In seconds you’ll receive confirmation of the name, photo and car model/plate of your driver, and will be able to follow the vehicle’s location in real-time as it approaches you. You can save favorite addresses, check ride history and use many more features constantly being added. Since drivers are checked for compliance before joining the network, passengers do not need to worry about their safety and can simply enjoy their ride. E-Cab gives customers the opportunity to pay with a multitude of payment instruments. So, our customers can pay through debit and credit cards, account vouchers and also coupons. Other products being introduced are university student debit cards, private label cards, account cards, pre-paid single event cards and specialty payment cards. Our company pays our drivers and gives our customers a full account of their taxi transactions. As an added safety measure for both drivers and passengers, E-Cab cabs are fitted with Global Positioning Systems (GPS), which enable the cabs to be tracked or located in an emergency. All E-Cab taxi will be clean, well maintained, and inspected regularly for safety and comfort. E-Cab’s has a unique Global Positioning System (GPS) that pinpoints the nearing driver thus allowing the driver to give an accurate estimated time of arrival. The GPS will enable the company ... ... clean and tidy taxi, friendly and polite drivers, careful driving, most practical route taken, and drivers know more about maintenance/repair services. â€Æ' REFERENCES Easy Taxi. (2013). Easy Taxi: Your Taxi in One Clicks! Retrieved October 20, 2013, from Easy Taxi Web site: Softusvista Inc. Venture. (2010-2013). Malaysia Taxi Auto Fare. Retrieved October 20, 2013, from The Atlantic Monthly Group. (2013). The Atlantic: Why You Can't Get a Taxi. Retrieved October 20, 2013, from The Atlantic Web site: Wikipedia. (2013, June 25). Taxicabs of Malaysia. Retrieved October 20, 2013, from Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia:

Monday, November 11, 2019

Beaches in the Algarve

Lagos boasts one of the biggest stretchaes of beaches in Europe—the Meia Praia. Situated halfway between the walk from Alvor to Lagos, its name was derived from â€Å"Meia† which means â€Å"half†. During the height of summer, Meia Praia offers tourists the opportunity to get way from the bustling crowds. It has sheltered beaches between the cliffs that offer some privacy, and has top-notch sporting facilities that have everything water sports aficionados might need. The lack of rock formations makes the Meia Praia ideal for various water activities.Because of Meia Praia’s width, its waters are generally calm, making it ideal for families with little children. Praia da Arrifana Praia da Arrifana is considered to be one of the more reasonably safe beaches for swimming, and is one of the best for family-friendly beaches near Aljezur. With its large, sandy beach and excellent facilities, it is ideal as a family getaway. Its open bay also offers great views of the sea and the surrounding vista. While Praia da Arrifana is a favorite among families during the high season, outside peak times, it is flocked by surfers, body boarders, and other water sports enthusiasts.Other activities include water-skiing and jet skiing. Praia da Bordeira Praia da Bordeira is a clam, quiet beach in the coast of Aljezur. It’s a great place for rest and relaxation—the beach is often deserted during low season and is less frequently visited than other beaches in the area during high season. With long sandy stretches of beach and plenty of sand dunes, Praia da Bordeira is suitable for long walks and exploring on foot. The beach can be reached by traveling north from Vila do Bispo, then going towards the sea after passing the small village of Carrapateira. Praia da CarriagemPraia da Carriagem is an isolated beach along the Costa Vicentina in the district of Aljezur. Unlike the surrounding beaches, it is not much frequented by people. It serves as a haven for nature lovers, as well as those wanting to explore coves, as well as nooks and crannies between cliffs. Praia da Carriagem is also an ideal place for enjoying some quiet time with activities like long walks and stargazing. Praia da Cordoama Praia da Cordoama in Costa Vicentina near Vila do Bispo Vila do Bispo is a wide, rugged stretch of beach situated in a huge bay surrounded by steep cliffs, with promontories along its sides.Its cliffs and promontories contribute to the steady wind quality, making it popular with surfers, paragliders, and other water sports enthusiasts. Praia da Dona Ana Probably the most popular beach on the Algarve, Praia da Dona Ana offers fantastic views of its rocks, cliffs, grottos, caves, and other natural formations. This small beach is located on â€Å"Golden Coast† of Lagos and is split in two by a cliff. The rock formations are breathtaking, stirring the imagination—rocks can take on various shapes like a gigantic ship, a Mayan t emple, and various animals, to name a few.One of the popular activities in this beach is touring cave and grottoes by boat. Praia da Falesia Praia da Falesia in the west of Vilamoura features long stretches of sandy beaches against a backdrop of ochre cliffs. It is sheltered by low cliffs, which provides some privacy and makes it an ideal spot to soak up the sun and sunbathe. These cliffs are tall enough to bar northern winds during the off-season, but not too tall to prevent easy access. Praia da Falesia could be reached from Vilamoura by traveling west toward Olhos de Agua. Praia da GalePraia da Gale in the west of Albufeira has a considerable stretch of beach that runs along the bay of Armacao de Pera up to town. It looks out to the Armacao de Pera bay and provides great views of the sea. Since Praia da Gale has no cliffs and rock formations, it is easily accessible by road on many points. One can go to the beach by automobile and can park nearby. Water sports enthusiasts also fr equent Praia da Gale—it is good spot for scuba diving, wind surfing, water-skiing, and jet skiing. Visibility under the water is remarkably high, providing the most ideal diving conditions.Praia da Ilha de Tavira-Mar Praia da Ilha de Tavira-Mar on the island of Tavira has busy, active beaches with an extended dune system. During the summer and peak seasons, cafes and water sports facilities abound. Dubbed as a â€Å"jewel† in the crown of Eastern Faro, the islands beaches are huge and breathtaking. Praia da Ilha de Tavira-Mar, in particular, is situated within a locally protected natural area. The Ilha de Tavira itself is a protected natural park and has campsites for nature lovers and nature exploration enthusiasts. It is suitable for tourists with an inclination for nature.Being a nature reserve however, tourism in the area is somewhat regulated. Regular ferries run by two ferryboat companies from the city of Tavira provide access to the island. Praia da Maina de Vil amoura Praia da Maina de Vilamoura in Loule features a wide stretch of sandy beach than runs from the marina of Vilamoura to the east, before reaching the small fishing port of the nearby Quarteira. Its excellent bay is well protected by rock plateaus and breakwaters, making it convenient and suitable for families with young children. Praia da Maria LuisaPraia da Maria Luisa is a small, sandy but also stony beach set in the backdrop of cliffs in the eastern side of Albufeira between Olhos d' Agua and Santa Eulalia. It is accessible from various villages and can serve as a good spot for strolling, long walks, and doing exercise. Praia da Luz Praia da Luz or â€Å"light beach† is a popular beach in the bustling tourist town of Luz in the city of Lagos. Its beaches are very busy during summer months. Praia da Luz is bordered by the Rocha Negra, which is a sheltered reef break on the eastern side of the beach.It boasts excellent water sports facilities and a well-equipped water s ports center. The waves are intermittent and are suited for surfing and water sports junkies looking for a challenge. Praia da Rocha Praia da Rocha or â€Å"beach of rocks† near Portimao is considered the best surfer’s beach in the south of Algarve, and is probably the oldest and most popular beach in the region. Like nearby Praia da Rocha, its waves are erratic and unpredictable, making it a hard but welcome challenge for surfers wanting to show their stuff.Though many tourists and beach-goers frequent it, it is so wide and spacious that there is plenty of room to stretch out. The beach features great stretches of sand on the seafront, and a tunnel on one end leads to narrower beaches set in a stunning backdrop of cliffs and rock formations. The latter part is sheltered by the tunnel and cliffs from the sun during afternoons. Praia da Oura Praia da Oura, beautifully located near the amusement quarter in the east of Albufeira, features a long sandy beach surrounded by rocks and rocky bays. This beach is popular with surfers and windsurfers alike, and is very busy during the summer season.Praia de Adegas Praia de Adegas is a beach located in the district of Aljezur. Access to this beach can be difficult, but is a popular destination for nature lovers and enthusiasts. This beach is within a protected area, and is one of the only five official naturist beaches in Portugal. Praia de Armacao de Pera Praia de Armacao de Pera in Lagos is a sandy beach near the Armacao de Pera tourist center promenade. It is very spacious and popular with families and is brimming with people (mainly locals and Portuguese) during weekends and the summer.Here, the breeze is light and the water is reasonably safe for swimming, particularly for children. Praia de Armona-Mar Located in an island between the towns of Olhao and Fuzeta, Praia de Armona-Mar is only accessible through ferryboats originating from the fishing port of Olhao. Ferries are frequent (they leave in 15 min ute intervals) so traveling to and from the island is fast and convenient. The beach is usually less populated and is only visited by a limited number of people. It is very peaceful and is great for a quiet, relaxing time. Praia de BurgauPraia de Burgau, situated in the town of Burgau in Vila do Bispo, may be small, but tourists frequently visit it during the summer months. Promontories such as hills go all around the beach so it is sheltered from the cold northern winds in this area of the Algarve. There is a small bar near the beach for those wanting to satisfy their thirst, and a boat and canoe rental shop nearby for visitors wishing to go a small, secluded beach west of Praia de Burgau. Praia de Faro Praia de Faro just about seven kilometers south of Faro airport, features a long, narrow stretch of sandy bar.Its sands are soft and the beach is wide and spacious. Beaches along the coast of Faro to Tavira are only accessible through ferry, but Praia de Faro is an exception in that it can be accessed through a small bridge on the sandbank. Being near a bustling urban town, it is usually busy; there are also plenty of restaurants and water sports facilities. The beach is in the warmest region in the mainland, with winter temperatures never going below 0? C. The summer temperature, however, seldom reaches 35? C. This nice, warm, and even weather makes it a popular spot during the summer months.Praia do Garrao Praia do Garrao is a large, beautiful sandy beach that features protected dunes. It is located between the chic and exclusive resort towns of Quinta do Lago and Vale do Lobo in Loule. The beach is readily accessible by road, but is also ideal for walking towards the Faro or Vilamoura directions. One section of the beach locally called â€Å"Julias† is popular for its excellent restaurants. Praia de Olhos d? Agua Praia de Olhos d? Agua is a small, but charming beach located in the new village of Olhos d? Agua in Albufeira. Rocks surround its small ba y.Local fishermen also use the bay and could often be seen getting their day’s catch. Excellent restaurants serving the local fare like fresh seafood dishes are also nearby. Praia de Vale de Lobo Vale do Lobo in Loule near Almancil boasts the beautiful sandy bays of Praia de Vale do Lobo. Flanked by small cliffs running along its length and its sides, the beach had to be constantly maintained by the holiday resort town of Vale do Lobo from shoreline erosion. Great endeavors, such as re-transplantation of sediments, are made to prevent the sea from eating up the shoreline. Praia de Vales dos HomensPraia de Vales dos Homens in the city of Aljezur is a small beach ideal for nature lovers. The beach is situated at the western coast near Rogil between Praia da Carriagem and Praia da Samouqueira, and is home to an interesting variety of flora and fauna, as well as a breathtaking array of marine life. It is in a relatively unpopulated area and is less frequented by tourists, making it a nice refuge for people looking to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Praia do Alvor Praia do Alvor is beautifully located in Alvor and borders the eastern half of the bay of Lagos.The beach has low dunes; but since there is almost no rock and cliff formations barring access, it can easily be reach from the road and from the village Alvor. Its long, sandy beaches are inviting for long, leisurely walks. This beach acts as a low sand bar, creating an interior lagoon that acts as a form of port for the old fishing village of Alvor. The waters are calm, which is great for families and children. The beach, which faces an open bay, is popular among windsurfers and kinds of water sports aficionados. Praia do AmadoPraia do Amado, located in Aljezur at the western coast, is a popular and very much sought-after spot for extreme sports by surfers and other water sports enthusiasts. The beach is lively and brims with people during the summer months, and little cafes overlookin g the beach are in the area. It is known in the surfing world for its strong, challenging currents, its roguish waves, and rock formations in places that get covered at high tide. Praia do Amado has already served as a venue of several local and international surf and body-boarding competitions.Praia do Barril The beach of Praia do Barril is an extension of Praia Ilha de Tavira on the island of Tavira. It is situated within the Ria Formosa Natural Park and features extensive sand dunes. Praia do Barril can be accessed via either a wooden bridge from the tourist villages of Santa Luzia and Pedras del Rey, or a small train that shuttles from Santa Luzia. The train ride running across the waters separating Praia do Barril and Praia Ilha de Tavira is slow and leisurely, giving visitors a chance to experience the island’s stunning view. Praia do CastelejoPraia do Castelejo is a sandy beach on the west coast of the Algarve, right on the rugged Costa Vicentia and just to the northwe st of Vila do Bispo. It has strong breakers and is thus a somewhat popular surfing spot. The beach has many water sports facilities and with all the equipment one needs for a session on the waves. Being a relatively small beach with an atmosphere drastically different from beaches on the southern coast, it might not be preferable to everyone, although there is a relatively high return rate among its visitors. This beach is also one of the safer ones on the west coast. Praia do MartinhalPraia do Martinhal is a large, flat sandy beach in the shallow Bay of Baleira and east of Sagres. It is located in the town of Vila do Bispo, with Ponta da Atalaia to its west. It is a good place to visit when in Sagres. It is conducive for contemplative walks, but is also very good for surfing. This beach is a favorite windsurfing spot for many. Praia do Vau The striking beach of Praia do Vau in the city of Portimao is a massive beach located at the far western end of Praia da Rocha’s seafront road, and is adjacent to the Praia da Rocha beach to the east end. The beach can be well-populated during the peak season, usually by locals.It is flanked by residential areas and is mostly managed by hotels nearby. It is easily accessible from the road and there is a car parking area nearby. Medium-rise cliffs at the beach’s far end provide shade during hot afternoons. Praia Verde Praia Verde situated in the west of Monte Gordo is a long, endless beach that stretches westwards towards Tavira. Its name â€Å"Verde†, which means â€Å"green†, was taken from the backdrop of plants and trees lining the side of the beach. It has great facilities ideal for most families and their children, and its waters are calm and safe for swimming.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Themes in the Last of the Mohicans

One major theme articulated in The Last of the Mohicans is the stereotype depicting Indians as animalistic. The Huron tribe is shown as the most violent tribe, almost nonhuman. Magua, the leader of the Huron tribe, is the most violent of the tribe. Angered by the colonies’ treatment of his kin, he only seeks revenge. One of the clearest images of the Huron tribe’s animalistic nature is when Magua rips the heart out of Colonel Munro’s chest. Other images that help add to this theme can be seen in the way that the Huron tribe attacks even the women and children.They care nothing about the innocent people they murder, and they roam about as savages. This is the image that Americans today have of all Indians. Very few know anything about the kindness of Indians such as Uncas and Chingachgook. Another theme in this movie is interracial love and friendship being looked down upon. After doing some research on the actual novel by James Fenimore Cooper, I noticed that the plot was changed in the movie. In the novel, Cora and Uncas have an interracial relationship. Related essay: Themes In MaruHowever, in the movie, Cora and Hawkeye, an adopted white, have that relationship. The relationship of Uncas and Cora that ends in death in the novel is switched to Uncas and Cora’s sister. Also, their fondness of each other is never developed. This supports that theme, for everything is changed to make it more appealing to the typical white audience. It would be frowned upon to have a white woman in love with an Indian. Thus, the movie does not show that.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How I Met Your Husband Essay Example

How I Met Your Husband Essay Example How I Met Your Husband Paper How I Met Your Husband Paper At a young age, women have a tendency to be naive and innocent. With that, the two factors create a vulnerable persona in a girl, and it compels a person to feel sympathy towards them. How I Met My Husband consists of a protagonist, Edie, who is also naive and innocent as well as humble and simple. These traits convince me to believe her to be a sympathetic character in the story. As a young, naive, gullible girl, I feel nothing short of pity for Edie. Her status as the hired girl influences the way I react to her as a reader also. When Edie meets Chris Waters, she becomes embarrassed and bashful once she reveals her true status, and all she wishes is for him to leave her alone. Since Edie is inexperienced with men, she does not know how to act properly in front of them. The fact that she does not know any better compels me to sympathize for her. I was feeling more sympathy for her when she allows herself to believe she had been more than Just another woman to Chris. Then, she is waiting days, which lead into months, before coming to the realization that no letter was ever going to come (peg 146). Any person can recall what it had been like to be wide-eyed when they had been younger. It can sometimes be amusing when you realize how naive you were. Sometimes, like Edie, it can be harsh to come to the realization of how naive our actions are. But we sympathize with ourselves and for others because of it.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Various Methods of Electricity Production Essay

Various Methods of Electricity Production - Essay Example Even though these early humans had no understanding of electricity, the movie depicts them looking for lightning to reignite their fire! It is clear in the film that the first fire available to mankind came from electricity in the form of lightning (Cook 7). It seems that electricity was the first real power used by man. Long before the lever, the wheel or the windmill mankind was reaping the benefits of fire created by the natural electricity of lightning. Man made electricity has earlier roots than one might suspect as well. Evidence has been uncovered that the ancient Egyptians used crude batteries to produce electrical charges (Mythbusters, 2005). The Egyptians fashioned clay pots as containers and filled them with high acid citrus juice. They then connected primitive cables made of copper to the clay jars. On the popular Discovery Channel series Mythbusters the cast recreates the Egyptian battery to test if this notion of early batteries is fact or myth. Much to their surprise the primitive invention does in fact produce a very small electrical charge. They speculate that Egyptians might have used this electricity to amaze and frighten pharos's subjects. By hooking the batteries up to statues of the pharos and other deities the ancient Egyptians gave their pharaoh a little help in the "powerful and mystical" department (Mythbusters, 2005). We will likely never know the whole story behind these ancient batteries but it is interesti ng to consider how early mankind was experimenting with electricity. Since ancient times many forms of electricity generation have been discovered and utilized. But first, in order to understand these various sources it is important to understand the history and development of electricity as a primary source of energy. The Rise of Electricity The ancient Greeks, Romans, Chinese and the Persians all experimented with crude inventions to harness electricity with very limited success. Even the explosion of science during the Middle Ages in Europe added little to the understanding electricity (Dell & Rand,125). In 1214 Roger Bacon experimented with the properties of amber and lodestone but electricity was primarily used to "amuse and frighten the ignorant" (Canby,12). Like the Egyptians, European scientists of the Middle Ages viewed electricity as a "parlor trick" and it's usefulness was deemed limited (Dell & Rand, 125). It wasn't until 1600 when William Gilbert, physician to Queen Elisabeth, wrote an impressive paper on magnetism, that the scientist of Europe began to seriously consider scientific study of electricity (Canby,13). The De Magnete written by Gilbert was widely read by the educated class of Europe and interest in electricity surged. Gilbert also created the first list of elements that contain electric and magn etic properties (Wikipedia,2007). In 1660, Otto van Guericke built the first machine to produce an electrical charge (Canby, 18). The glass globe had a sulfur ball inside and created a lightning like charge that amazed the people of Guericke's day. During this time advances in the understanding of electricity was painfully slow and it wasn't until 1709 that the next big discovery was made. In England, Francis Hawkenbee built an improved version of the "glass globe" and conducted many other useful experiments. Next, in 1729 Steven Gray of the Grayfriars School in England discovered

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Ethical Issues in Healthcare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Ethical Issues in Healthcare - Essay Example This essay examines some of the key ethical issues concerning contentious health services such as abortion, euthanasia and consent. In brief, the main body contains first paragraphs presenting the arguments in support of the hypothesis and the second against argument on the hypothesis. Our main hypothesis involves the argument for or against the contentious health issues such as abortion, consent or euthanasia. In the process, the essayist looks into the factors involved, the guidance for dealing with specified ethical issue, evaluation of euthanasia based on different moral and ethical arguments. Euthanasia refers to an instance where patients who have a terminal illnesses, such as cancer, HIV/AIDs or diabetes, may opt to propose be given some drugs for terminating life. A nurse or any medical practitioner usually facilitates this. First, it has been argued that people have a right to decide when they want to die and therefore nobody should prevent them from using euthanasia. Secondly, it was revealed that to deny people the right to live their lives as they wish implies that each individual does not know what his or her own rights is. This was based on the concept of individualism, a fundamental factor within a democratic based political theory. The theory reveals that individuals should be given rights to own their life and nobody should question them on how they are managing personal life just like assets. Another argument was that it is wrong to keep any person alive for longer period than they are meant to be.