Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Qualities of an Effective Leader Essays - , Term Papers

Qualities of an Effective Leader To begin with, leadership is a quality which cannot be acquired by any person from the other but it can be acquired by self-determination of a person. It can best be called the personality of the very highest ability-whether in ruling, thinking, imagining, innovation, warring, or religious influencing. The most important qualities which a leader should possess are intelligence and alertness. A leader has to use his/her brain every time and also has to remain alert with eyes and ears open otherwise he/she could easily be carried by any enemy. For instance, an Army Officer who leads his soldiers as to apply his brain every second and has to be attentive while marching ahead. Therefore, we can say intelligence and alertness are the indispensable qualities of a leader. Moreover, a professional leader should also be an optimist having a positive attitude and should not think negatively or plan something showing negative attitude because it will affect his followers too. Also, a leader should always be courageous and should have the courage to face the problems and solving them by himself instead of blaming and embarrassing others. Furthermore, a self controlled leader is able to control his/her emotions and act professionally as required which is the key for being a good leader. As well as that, sense of justice is a major quality that any leader should posses because without a sense of fairness and justice, no leader can command and retain the respect of his followers. From my point of view, I think one of the most affective leaders that I admire nowadays is the actress, humanitarian, women's rights activist and the UN's ambassador, Angelina Jolie. She has visited over 30 countries and even risked her life to save and support those in need. Also, she focused on many important causes such as, refugees problems, poverty, sexual-assault victims, kids in need of defense and supported women's rights. To sum up, I think that a great leader is a person who has the power to change the world and people's lives. A person who is a giver instead of a receiver and someone who sacrifices in order to serve others and lead wisely.

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